Staff Directory
NOTE: To send an email to anyone on the list, use the following format:
Phone Number |
Gmail: |
Brenda Bravo |
Principal |
805-385-5827 |
brenda.bravo |
Cristina Magallanes |
Assistant Principal (A - Gomez) |
805-278-3104 |
cristina.magallanes |
Jose Pastor |
Assistant Principal (Gonsalez - N) |
805-834-1459 |
jose.pastor |
Dawn Santiago |
Assistant Principal (O - Z) |
805-394-4685 |
dawn.santiago |
Phone Number |
Gmail: |
Mayra Castro | Principal's Secretary | 805-385-2651 | mayra.castro |
Sally Hernandez | Aligned to AP Pastor | 805-389-6432 | sally.hernandez |
Bradley Gibbs | Aligned to AP Santiago | 805-385-2662 | bradley.gibbs |
Brisely Saldivar | Aligned to AP Magallanes | 805-385-2673 | brisely.saldivar |
ATHLETICS | POSITION | Phone Number | Gmail: |
Pablo Gallegos | Athletics Director | 805-385-2669 | pablo.gallegos |
Austin Falin | Athletics Trainer | | |
Phone Number |
Gmail: |
Robert "Jason" Sierra |
A - D |
805-385-5729 |
robert.sierra |
Xochitl Gomez |
E – Hernandez, M & AOED |
805-385-5957 |
xochitl.gomez |
Cynthia Lopez |
Hernandez, N – Martinez, C & AVID |
805-385-2676 |
cynthia.lopez |
Angelica Martinez |
Martinez, D – Ran |
805-389-7444 |
angelica.martinez |
Denise Rodriguez |
Rao - Z |
805-389-6971 |
denise.rodriguez |
Katalina Martinez |
Categorial Programs (Migrant, SLIFE, Foster, and ELD) |
805-385-5851 |
katalina.martinez |
Belén Flores | Restorative Intervention Counselor | 805-385-5722 | belen.flores |
Corinne Pinon | Guidance Tech - Counselors | 805-385-2652 | corinne.pinon |
Tatiana Magana | Guidance Tech - Migrant Program | 805-385-2692 | tatiana.magana |
Phone Number |
Gmail: |
Carlos Soto | College & Career Center Guidance Tech | 805-385-2751 | carlos.soto |
Angel Orozco | College & Career Center- UCSB EAOP Coordinator | angel.orozco | |
Marcos Lupian | College & Career Center- Oxnard College Counselor | | |
Phone Number |
Gmail: |
Christine Gathman | Coordinator | 805-278-3201 | christine.gathman |
Phone Number |
Gmail: |
Aldo Campos |
Student Wellness Specialist |
805-389-6463 |
aldo.campos |
Maria Sandoval |
Student Wellness Specialist |
805-278-2934 |
maria.sandoval |
Brianna Infante |
Guidance Tech – Wellness Center |
805-385-2579 |
brianna.infante |
Phone Number |
Gmail: |
Holiday Buen |
ASB Director |
805-385-2666 |
holiday.buen |
Anna Magana | ASB Bookkeeper | 805-385-2668 | anna.magana |
Anabel Cervantes | Attendance Advisor | 805-834-1411 | anabel.cervantes |
Angelica Guzman | Attendance Clerk | 805-834-1477 | angelica.guzman |
Nestor Nateras | Attendance Account Technician | 805-385-2677 | nestor.nateras |
Jasmine Keys | Band Director | 805-389-6681 | jasmine.keys |
Aurea Vea | Cafeteria Manager | 805-385-2665 | aurea.vea |
Lindsay Nelson | Health Office Nurse | 805-385-5726 | lindsay.nelson |
Erica Arias | Health Office Technician | 805-278-3164 | erica.arias |
Jose Perez |
Internet Technology (IT) |
805.278.5526 |
jose.perez |
Fernando Chavez |
Lead Custodian (Night) |
fernando.chavez |
April D'Andrea |
Librarian |
805-389-4602 |
april.dandrea |
Chief Stephen Hayes |
805-385-5796 |
stephen.hayes |
Andrea Beltran |
Records Office, Registrar |
805-385-2674 |
andrea.beltran |
Angelica Guzman |
Records Office Clerk |
805-834-1477 |
angelica.guzman |
Ed Murillo |
Resource Officer |
805-385-5865 |
edward.murillo |
Issac Aguilera | School Receptionist | 805-385-2667 | issac.aguilera |
Dr. Taisha Johnson |
School Psychologist |
805.385.2653 |
taisha.johnson |
Gina Hendon | Special Education | 805-278-1355 | gina.hendon |
Glenna Bachmeier |
Special Education IEP Clerk |
805-278-3101 |
glenna.bachmeier |
Meri Serobyan |
Speech & Language Therapist |
805-394-4801 |
meri.serobyan |
William (Will) Peni |
Textbook/Library Media Technician |
805-385-5909 |
william.peni |
Yearbook Coordinator |
Teacher |
Room |
Phone Number |
Teacher |
Room |
Phone Number |
Acevedo, Jessica |
805.834.1391 |
Margulies, Steve |
805-278-3157 |
Ambriz, Lizette |
805.278.2917 |
McAdam, Thomas |
805.436.8523 |
Anestos, Danika |
805.385.5715 |
McGee, Timothy |
805.278.3192 |
Avalos, Elio |
805.385.5231 |
Medrano, Mayra |
805.385.5813 |
Bettencourt, Alicia |
805.385.5754 |
Meza, Ramon |
805-385-2682 |
Bettencourt, Jerome |
805.385.5755 |
Mikkelson, Nels |
805-385-2818 |
Bettencourt, Kara |
805.385.5756 |
Mills, Joel |
805.385.5815 |
Buen, Holiday |
805.385.2666 |
Mingus, Jerry |
805.385.5816 |
Burkhart, Lindsay |
805.385.5761 |
Moody, Walter |
805.385.5817 |
Cabral, Julio |
805.385.5762 |
Morales, Arlene |
805.385.5797 |
Chapman, Michael |
805.385.5770 |
Muro, Claudine |
805.385.5819 |
Cheney, Charles |
805.278.1021 |
Nakamura, Ming |
805.834.1467 |
Cole, Julie |
805.385.5772 |
Napoles, Ruben |
805-278-2940 |
Corwin, Scott |
805-278-1855 |
Neos, Chris |
805.385.5939 |
Crilly, Allison |
805-385-5951 |
Newman, John |
805.385.5824 |
D'Andrea, April |
805-389-4602 |
Ostrander, Cindy |
805.278.3001 |
DeLuca, Faith |
805.278.1062 |
Pacheco, Alex |
805-278-3001 |
Diaz, Noemi |
805.385.2658 |
Peraza, Tresa |
805.385.2669 |
Drescher, Nola |
805.834.1502 |
Perez, Hektor |
805.394.4666 |
Font, Jason |
805.385.5784 |
Petree, Doug |
805-385-5830 |
Ford, Andrew |
805.834.1407 |
Phillips, Shannon |
805-278-3020 |
Ford, Elisabeth |
805.834.1415 |
Pickles, Barbara |
805.385.5849 |
Frederick, Katie |
805-389-6441 |
Quiatchon, Pablito |
805.385.2809 |
Gallegos, Pablo |
805.385.5785 |
Rafaelli, Cori |
805.385.5794 |
Galvan, Sandra |
805.385.5887 |
Redondo, Marita |
805.385.5832 |
Garcia, David |
805-385-2738 |
Reyes, David |
805-834-1397 |
Garcia, Martha |
805.389.4845 |
Ripley, Kyle |
805.436.8513 |
Garcia, Paola |
805-278-1455 |
Rivera, Dominic |
805-834-1460 |
Gomez-Font, Gabriela |
805.385.5788 |
Rivera, Raul |
805.436.8520 |
Gonzalez, Jesse (Jess) |
805-278-2989 |
Rosales, Andres |
805-385-5825 |
Gotts, Mark |
805.385.2656 |
Rosin, Richard |
805-278-1334 |
Green, Jason |
805.385.5924 |
Roth, Amy |
805.385.5259 |
Harris, Bethany |
805.394.4793 |
Sell, Brook |
805.436.8522 |
Hayes, Stephen |
805.385.5796 |
Soliz, Rosa |
805.385.5981 |
Hernandez, Olivia |
805.278.1028 |
Soria, Erendira |
805-385-5841 |
Herrejon, Sonia |
805.385.5838 |
Stehle, Chris |
Herzog, Joy |
805.834.1503 |
Thomas, Blake |
805.385.5720 |
Huapaya, Nikol |
805.834.1484 |
Toilolo, Lui |
805.278.1256 |
Keith, Douglas |
805.278.2928 |
Torres, Kathryn |
805.278.1826 |
Keys, Jasmine |
805-389-6681 |
Torres, Lisette |
805-385-5771 |
LaBoy, Cody |
805-385-2743 |
Tuitama, Leimasina “Sina” |
805-385-2678 |
Lane, Harmony |
805.385.2697 |
Vick, Jonathan |
805-278-3106 |
Lara, Manny |
805-436-8532 |
Villa, Norma |
805.385.5974 |
Laubacher, Mike |
805-385-5743 |
Villegas, Citlalli |
805-385-5829 |
Lewis, Tyler |
805.317.4291 |
Waterbury, Sandra |
805-278-1044 |
Lopez, Leodegardia |
805-484-6292 |
Wayne, Robin |
805-278-1677 |
Lopez, Monica |
805-385-5820 |
Weight, Cecilia |
805-385-5985 |
Lopez, Nicole |
805-278-1842 |
Wright, Emily "Amy" |
805.385.8924 |
Lovejoy, Dusty |
805.385.8946 |
Zapien, Reyes |
805-278-1866 |
Luu, Mitchel |
805.385.5724 |
Mack, Jon |
805.278-5513 |