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Summer School

Monday, July 1 - Friday, July 26, 2023

8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Break from 10:30 - 11:00 AM

*No classes on 4th of July Holiday*

Summer school course offerings and spaces are limited, so summer school is only for students who need credit recovery, grade repair in A-G courses, or incoming 9th graders who plan to take AP Human Geography during their freshman year (incoming 9th graders must be enrolled through our online system to be considered Hueneme High School students).  

Students who signed up for summer school must complete a Master Agreement. Parent/Guardian information and signatures will be required. The link to the master agreement was sent to OUHSD student and parent emails via Parent Square in May. It is important to complete the Master Agreement prior to the first day of school on July 1. Completion of the form DOES NOT enroll the student into a course.  In addition, students that are not enrolled and show up on day 1 are not guaranteed enrollment, as space is limited.

Students and parents can confirm enrollment by checking StudentVue or ParentVue to see the assigned course, teacher, and room number. Students must attend the first day or be dropped. Students are only allowed up to three absences to earn credit for the summer course.

Summer School Administration

Mr. Jose Pastor

Ms. Cristina Magallanes

Administrative Intern
Mr. Howard Kaplan

Mr. Robert Sierra

Categorical Counselor
Ms. Denise Rodriguez

Student Wellness Specialist
Ms. Giselle Ortiz​​​​​​​

Summer School 2024 Flyer